Product Designer — 3 days
Tired of interrupting the conversation to figure out how much you owe on the bill? Splitter has your back. A mobile app that quickly splits a food tab equally amongst a variable amount of people.
Market analysis — develop personas — sketch wireframes — high-fidelity mockup
Market Analysis
Who are we competing against? What do they do well? What could be improved?
Robust app that gives the user the ability to split checks
Users’ have a customizable profile
Saves and tracks payments sent and received
Ability to split bills or checks in multiple ways
Specifically for splitting bills or checks with others
Split bills with others
Ability to create an account and save previous bills
This app is solely for splitting bills in multiple ways
Allows the users to request or send money to other users conveniently
Ability to connect payment card or bank
Users’ have individual profiles that allows for customization
Not used for splitting check or bills
Users’ can send and receive money from linked bank account
Track transactions
Not used for splitting check or bills
Who is the user?
Hip technology forward student who is always on their phone, has knowledge of all the trends and latest apps. This person wants to go out to lunch with their friends to Pasta Inc. As a group they decide to order family style entrees and some appetizers. When the check arrives it is not separate and they don’t want to bother the busy server with having it fixed. Everybody decides to split it equally with a generous tip.
Would like to have a way to split the dinner bill with tip included.
Initial sketches
After competitor and comparator analysis these sketches were compiled to quickly see how the app will flow.
Content strategy
Key functions
Easy learnability
CTA buttons in thumbs reach
Design patterns affordances; camera frame, highlighted selection, and sample text in form
Visual design
The color green is associated with safety, calming, and soothing. Green is traditionally used for money, banking and finances. I choose two variations of green to represent the name, Splitter. For a modern vibe I used a simple font and lighter version of green.
With more time…
If I had more than 3 days to complete a project from inception to high-fidelity mockups I would like to take a deeper dive into expanding the capabilities of the app.
Run usability tests on current iteration to see the level of understanding users’ have
Look into the ability to split the bill in multiple ways, not just equally
Add a profile to track transactions with people
Use gamification to make the app more interactive
Research more to figure out capabilities of existing apps
Figure out a solution to enter bill in manually
Additional points worth discussing in person.
Other iterations of this app
Paper version that wasn’t built out but worth taking a look at
Contact information: (317) 332-5348 —